Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25, 2008

Good morning everybody! This is just a quick post as I'm off to do some Christmas shopping, but I just had to tell you the latest... Charlie was mentioned three times by name in the House of Lords last week, during a debate about organ donation and transplantation! How amazing is that!
Baroness Howarth of Breckland (who is the patron of Little Hearts Matter, and with whom we had breakfast at the LHM open day a few weeks ago!) has been pushing hard to increase awareness of the necessity of organ donation, and has been working hard in Parliament to implement changes in the way organ donation is managed.
While I knew this work was going on, I had NO idea that she had mentioned Charlie until I received a link to Hansard (the transcript of everything said in Parliament) this morning.
I'm attaching the link here (the piece about Charlie is about two-thirds of the way down under the sub-heading 14 Nov 2008 : Column 863) If you click on the link you'll be able to read a bit more of the debate, but just in case the page is taken down soon, I'll paste the paragraph about Chas below...

'In conclusion, on the day that I was with all my children in Birmingham, Charlie, a young child, did go to a chocolate factory. He went out to see how chocolate was made. Charlie is six; he is a beautiful child. He has been through two stages of having small mechanisms put into his heart to take him through to the age he is. I listened to my noble friend Lord Crisp and I believe with all my heart that we have to develop mechanical aids but—this is another conundrum—we must remember that we are not there yet. It is important for the general public to realise that we still need donations now and tomorrow, because we may not develop mechanical techniques and Charlie wants to take his children to the chocolate factory. Let us hope that he can.'
Baroness Valerie Howarth

He does get everywhere, our boy, doesn't he! Another proud moment for us - now I just need to start trawling the BBC website to see if I can find the video footage!


Baby James said...

Hej Charlie we don´t have anymore snow now, but it was great fun while it lasted :O)!! We do not usally have snow in this south part of Sweden, but I hope that both us will have by Christmas it will help Father Christmas with his Sleigh!! XX James

Baby James said...

Oh forgot did i leave my website address to you?? There is a link on there for my Blog as well, but there are lots of pictures of me on gallery :O). Mummy couln+t go back in Archive and read your story ;O(.But you have had 2 operations, will you have three??
Lots of Love James Ward xxx