Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010

Hi folks - I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment... I've got
a serious case of blogger's block.
I must make a conscious effort to turn the computer on (rather than
just fiddle about with my iPhone) as it's far more conducive to rambly
blogging, rather than punchy bullet-point updates!
We had a fab weekend - we stayed in Ironbridge, and Charlie was
thrilled to bits because Nanny came too, so there was plenty of
opportunity for him to raid her hotel room in the morning for cuddles
and stories!
I'll write a proper post about everything he got up to, but I'm
attaching a pic of him on the chair-o-planes at the Victorian
Village... just in case anybody's having Charlie withdrawals!
He's doing so well, but has been hit with his first post-Fontan cold.
He's sneezing lots and has a runny nose, but seems pretty ok in
himself. Hopefully he can shake it off soon - he's having his school
photo taken next week, and I don't want his wonderful pinkness to be
marred by a snotty nose and red-rimmed eyes!
My brother's youngest daughter started uni today - it's scary how time
flies... she was only one when I started my degree, and now she's off
to university herself. Sigh. There's nothing like watching kids grow
up to make you feel OLD!
Anyway, it's late, so I'm off to bed, but I will make a concerted
effort to get back up to date with the blog over the next few days!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm glad you updated- but don't worry, the way I see it, when our heart friends have no news on their blogs I take it as good news. :)