Wednesday, January 08, 2014


Well, Rosie's first introductory session at playschool was a total success!
She strolled straight in, plonked herself down at the colouring table and did some drawing.
She also enjoyed playing in the 'home corner' and with the Duplo, and having a drink and a biscuit.
But her absolute favourite was the sand tray, and she spent ages digging, filling buckets and pouring sand down the sand wheel.
There will be two or three more 'taster' sessions before she starts properly in September.
Although the mums stayed with the kids today, I honestly don't think Rose would have minded at all if I'd just left her there for a couple of hours!
I still can't believe my baby girl will be heading off to playschool for three afternoons a week in September. It is insane how fast the days are flying by.
Charlie went to the same playgroup, and though it's been six years since he left there to start school, as I walked through the doors it felt like I'd never left.
It is strange yet wonderful to see Rose following in her big brother's footsteps.
We never dared dream that Charlie would do as well as he has - and never really dared to hope that we might one day be given the chance to enjoy all the milestones a second time round with our little Rose.

I know I've said it before, but truly, my cup runneth over.

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