Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Well, Christmas Day has been and gone, and these two have had a wonderful time. We've had a busy week since they broke up from school - concerts, fun with friends, a hospital visit (only pacing clinic for Charlie - all is great, sats 92, he's grown another 5cm in 6mths and his pacemaker is working well!) and then a surprise couple of days away at Celtic Manor, where we had the poshest hotel room ever, tea with Willy Wonka and a meet and greet with Father Christmas! Then we went to visit Nanny, had some more friends to visit, a trip on a steam train to see Father Christmas and then the carol service at Gloucester Cathedral (at which a man gave Charlie £2 and said that hearing him singing the carols so beautifully had made his Christmas, and the lady in the row behind him said that he ought to apply for Britain's Got Talent! Charlie was very pleased - especially as his voice is slipping southwards very quickly, so he'll probably be singing the tenor part next year!)
Christmas Day we spent at home - other than a quick trip to the church to take some flowers to Will.
Nanny swept the board in the 'best surprise present' stakes as we managed to get a pair of teeny tiny Chinese hamsters from her home on the 23rd and the kids were none the wiser until they walked into the kitchen on Christmas morning!
Two very happy kids, and Flash and Sunny, as they're now called, have never had so much attention!
Lazy Boxing Day today, then off to my brother's tomorrow afternoon for the annual gathering of the clans.
Hope you've all had a lovely Christmas!

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