Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27, 2007

Just a quick addition to yesterday's post - Charlie and I have been hard at work this afternoon and are proud to present his Easter hat! (Oh how I wish I was one of those creative mothers who can concoct a hat that looks like a realistic Easter chicken hatching out of an egg from nothing more than a bit of tissue paper, some raffia and a rubber glove... but not to be, I'm afraid!!) It may not be the best hat in the world (and I'm not sure how much of it will be left standing after the Easter Parade!) but Charlie had lots of fun sticking all the bits on!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Hi Ali

Only just seen your update, I think we must shop at the same place, I've just been out this morning to buy Thomas some bits to decorate his Easter hat and I recognise those chicks on Chas' hat. I've cheated more than you and managed to find a yellow straw baseball cap type hat which looks absolutely massive but will do the trick. I so wish I was one fof those creative types but we can;t be good at everything can we ;-)
Fab to hear Chas is on form. He's a star and doing great. He's an inspiration to us that's for sure.

Lots of love

Linz xxx