Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

Hi folks. Well, there's another August Bank Holiday been and gone, and we didn't see the sun at all. British summers really are rubbish!
We had a nice day all the same though. Pete and Charlie went and picked up Nanny and Grandpa this morning, and brought them back to our house which was lovely.
Charlie was thrilled to bits to have them here again - it's been quite a while since they were here - and he spent a happy few hours playing games, giving Grandpa a step-by-step commentary on his favourite Dr Who episodes (lucky Grandpa, eh!) and reading some stories with Nanny.
Mum brought her netbook with her, so I could give her another 'lesson'! I'm seriously impressed with how quickly she's picking everything up.
Not much more news really. Dad's at the hospital tomorrow for his pre-chemo blood tests, and then again on Wednesday for his chemo. He'll be having a CT scan next week to see how things are going.
I can't believe Charlie only has two more days of summer holiday left. He's been planning what he wants to do with his final two days - so far, we're playing with the lego tomorrow morning, then making cakes!

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