Monday, March 22, 2010


Charlie had his cannula (magic tap!) put in before and was a total superstar - not a tear in sight! It's a bit sore now, but he's easily distractable.
We spoke with the surgeon before - it turns out it probably won't be Mr Barron operating after all, but another surgeon - Tim Jones. We had a long chat with him and feel confident that he'll do a good job.
The only possible spanner in the works at the moment is that one of the operations ran over today, and there is a sick baby in need of surgery. If the baby stabilises overnight, he/she will be given Charlie's slot tomorrow. We're fine about this - obviously the sicker child takes priority, no question. We've been in that position before.
So, in case the little one is still too unstable tomorrow, Charlie will be nil by mouth from 6.30am tomorrow. We'll know by lunchtime if he will be having his op or not.
If it doesn't go ahead tomorrow, he will be first on the list on Wednesday. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, and the other news is that Mr Jones will probably put Charlie's pacemaker in at the same time as his Fontan, so long as there are no complications. This is good news, because it means Charlie won't need a second general anaesthetic a few days after the first.
I have to go now - Mum is playing with Chas while Pete & I grab some tea. An early night all round, I think - it's been a draining day. Please excuse any typos - blame the iPhone!


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all. Fingers crossed that it all goes ahead tomorrow. Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight xxx

Lisa said...

Oh, goodness, just catching up on Charlie and will be sending the best prayers I have out his way! Here's to hoping everything goes as easily and and uneventfully as possible for him!