Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The perils of taking your child on holiday during term-time...

...He brings home a letter today, requesting red, white and green sparkly festive costuming for the Christmas play.
Everyone else received said letter last week while we were away.
The date the costumes need to be in school, ready for dress rehearsals?
December 4.
Yes, that's today.
And I only got the letter at 3.15pm.
And you all know how much I love making fancy dress costumes.
Cue a frantic dash around three different supermarkets for an elf suit - or anything Christmassy in the required colours.
Not a dickybird.
Unless you're looking for an elf dress (right size, wrong gender) or an elf babygro (right gender, wrong size) that is.
Finally, we found a shop with a few decidedly tacky bits and bobs - a £3 Santa suit (jacket and hat too small but trousers ok - albeit skinny-fit!), a £1.29 elf hat, some tinsel and, believe it or not, a £1.49 dining chair cover with a Christmas tree and 'King of Christmas' written on it. (WHO buys these things??)
So, with a bit of hacking around, lots of iron-on hemming stuff, some tinsel covered elastic on the shoulders, and a green t-shirt I found in the back of the drawer... may I present Charlie, the sort-of elf.
And I didn't have any red thread so I hand-sewed it in white and coloured over the stitches with a red Sharpie.
He has several dress rehearsals and three performances so I hope his 'costume' holds up - the trousers aren't much thicker than kitchen roll.
I've told him he's not allowed to sit, kneel, walk or breathe unless specifically called for by the script.
He's happy though, and that's all that matters... so long as it doesn't fall apart while he's onstage!
And anyway - what else can you get for a fiver these days!

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