Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum!!

Well, Charlie has been off school all week so far, with a rip-roaring bout of tonsillitis. He was really rough earlier in the week - feverish and headachey as well as a terrible throat.
He's feeling a bit better in himself now, although his tonsils are still looking pretty horrific and eating/swallowing is still tricky. He's been on antibiotics four times a day since Monday, so hopefully they'll do the trick soon.
Rosie has been very pleased to have him home - particularly because he's been on the sofa feeling sorry for himself most of the week, so she gets to cuddle up with him and tuck him in with her cosy blanket, without him teasing her mercilessly like normal!!
Pete had to go out before, and he brought comics home for the two of them. Rosie's had a free pirate kit on the front, so she's been wandering round, clutching her pieces of eight, wearing her pirate hat, shouting 'Aaaaarrgh' and 'Yo Ho Ho' in suitably piratey tones! I know I'm biased, but I reckon she's one of the cutest little pirates on the seven seas!
So, all of our plans for this week have rather gone by the by, but the weather has been so foul, it's been no great sacrifice having to stay indoors.
Am heartily fed up of all this rain though - roll on spring!

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