This is just a very brief post. I have been following the story of a little boy named Isaac since his birth around four months ago. He and his family live in the US and he has HLHS, like Charlie. He has had a very rough ride so far, and has only been at home for a couple of weeks. I know many people who read Isaac's blog also read Charlie's, and have left us some lovely messages.
Isaac was re-admitted to hospital a couple of days ago, with a sodium imbalance and dehydration. However, his parents have updated his blog this morning with the news that his heart isn't functioning well and, if nothing changes, he cannot have the second operation or even a transplant, and there is nothing more that the doctors can do for him.
I don't think I need to add anything further, save to say these are desperate times for little Isaac. Please keep him and his parents, Patience and Jordan, in your thoughts and prayers.
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11 months ago
Thinking of Isaac and family x
abi, Tom and Corwin xx
Thank you so much for posting about Isaac. I occasionally come here to read about Charlie.
Alison, Thank you so much for posting about baby Isaac. I have learned about Charlie through reading Isaac's blog. Prayers to you as you head back to the hospital for Charlie's check up. He is precious!
- Edna, Clayton, NC USA
We are praying for Charlie and family as we learned about you from Baby Isaac's site. May God provide both with many mircles and blessings.
Robby, Betty Ann & Tyler Tilson
Garner, NC USA
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